YouTube Webscraper


This workshop goes into the world of webscraping. In the current age of information getting more and more information is very important and webscraping is a great way to achieve this. Check out the instructions below to learn how we can use python to scrape video urls from YouTube!

Youtube Scraper

using an online IDE

Libraries and Webscraping

What is an Library?

A library is a set of implenmentations written by previous programmers that we can use to perform mechanisms such as web scraping, which is what we'll be doing in this workshop. Now to explain webscraping is a method for extracting data usually in the form of text for our use.

Read more about Libraries!

In this workshop we'll be using webscraping library called beautiful soup to scrape data from youtube videos.

Create a new repl and choose python. Make sure its specified as Python or Python 3. Do Not Use Python 2

repl it image

Creating the program


We start by importing the needed code from the beautifulsoup library.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

Making the scrape function

This is a bunch of code so don't bother typing this out. Just copy and paste this code below the lines of code that we added to import the beauitfulsoup library. Now a few things to pay attention to is that the lines content = requests.get(url) and soup = bs(content.content, "html.parser") contain all of the HTML code (website code) from the specific youtube video. The rest of the code you see below parses, analyzes, and edits the data from the site. If you use your mouse to hover over the video description and click on the inspect element button you should be able to see HTML code.

def get_video_info(url):
    # download HTML code
    content = requests.get(url)
    # create beautiful soup object to parse HTML
    soup = bs(content.content, "html.parser")
    # initialize the result
    result = {}
    # video title
    result['title'] = soup.find("span", attrs={"class": "watch-title"}).text.strip()
    # video views (converted to integer)
    result['views'] = int(soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "watch-view-count"}).text[:-6].replace(",", ""))
    # video description
    result['description'] = soup.find("p", attrs={"id": "eow-description"}).text
    # date published
    result['date_published'] = soup.find("strong", attrs={"class": "watch-time-text"}).text
    # number of likes as integer
    result['likes'] = int(soup.find("button", attrs={"title": "I like this"}).text.replace(",", ""))
    # number of dislikes as integer
    result['dislikes'] = int(soup.find("button", attrs={"title": "I dislike this"}).text.replace(",", ""))
    # channel details
    channel_tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "yt-user-info"}).find("a")
    # channel name
    channel_name = channel_tag.text
    # channel URL
    channel_url = f"{channel_tag['href']}"
    # number of subscribers as str
    channel_subscribers = soup.find("span", attrs={"class": "yt-subscriber-count"}).text.strip()
    result['channel'] = {'name': channel_name, 'url': channel_url, 'subscribers': channel_subscribers}
    return result

Run the scraping program

You can also copy and paste this code below the function that you previous copied and pasted. The code below just calls the def get_video_info(url) function which runs our scraping script. We pass in the url variable which will be the link to our youtube video. The rest of the code with the print() functions are displaying the video data for us to see.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # parse the video URL from command line
    url = ""

    data = get_video_info(url)

    # print in nice format
    print(f"Title: {data['title']}")
    print(f"Views: {data['views']}")
    print(f"\nDescription: {data['description']}\n")
    print(f"Likes: {data['likes']}")
    print(f"Dislikes: {data['dislikes']}")
    print(f"\nChannel Name: {data['channel']['name']}")
    print(f"Channel URL: {data['channel']['url']}")
    print(f"Channel Subscribers: {data['channel']['subscribers']}")

Advanced steps

Scrape you own website.

Try these websites,-122.49?par=google&temp=f

You can now view, process, and use information off any website!

View the code file here
Check out a functioning program here